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Tag: ctf

Year of the Jellyfish — Write-up

Year of the Jellyfish — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything here, so it’s good to get writing again in amongst the busyness of university mixed with ZeroPoint Security’s RTO course. This post contains the official walkthrough for the latest New Year box: Year of the Jellyfish. Following on from Year of the Owl, this box is designed to be in a very similar style to the enumeration-focus of the OSCP exam (although to the…

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Year of the Fox — Write-up

Year of the Fox — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: Year of the Fox is the second box in what is now my New Year series of challenge boxes. Following on from Year of the Rabbit, this box is a lot harder, and will require knowledge across a variety of different areas. This box was initially used in a celebratory competition marking the first 100,000 members on the TryHackMe platform, and is now a standalone box on the site. The writeup was also published on the…

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Jack-of-All-Trades — Write-up

Jack-of-All-Trades — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: Jack-of-All-Trades is my very first CTF challenge box. It was created for the Securi-Tay conference run on the 28th of February, 2020 by the UAD Hacksoc. As you play through this box you will find many references to penguins. This will not make much sense to anyone who didn’t attend the conference, so allow me to explain before we get started in earnest. The theme of the 2020 Securi-Tay conference revolved around the infamous Dundee penguins….

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Year of the Rabbit — Write-up

Year of the Rabbit — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: Year of the Rabbit is the second box I built; and was originally designed to accompany my workshop on CTF creation, first presented on the 11th of March 2020 to the UAD Ethical Hacking society. Now that Year of the Rabbit has been made public, I am also releasing this post as the official write-up. Let’s get started! Enumeration: As always, we first need to perform some initial enumeration on the box. Get nmap up and…

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NoName CTF — Write-up

NoName CTF — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: NoName CTF is a great little CTF from stuxnet. It provides a really nice introduction to some often lesser-used topics in challenge boxes, including SSTI and BOF, making this a perfect box to get some practice in on! Without further ado, let’s begin! Enumeration As per normal, we’re going to begin this challenge with an nmap scan: We’ve got four ports open here. Nothing unusual about port 22 — just SSH as normal. We can’t bruteforce that…

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Willow CTF — Write-up

Willow CTF — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: Willow is the third box I’ve written, but the second to be publicly released. The first two — Jack-Of-All-Trades and Year of the Rabbit — were both designed for specific events, but they will hopefully be released on TryHackMe in due course. This particular box was designed when I was in a very specific frame of mind, which is reflected in the slightly ethereal nature of the theme. Brownie points if anyone can identify where the…

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CherryBlossom CTF — Write-up

CherryBlossom CTF — Write-up

TryHackMe Challenge Link: CherryBlossom is my fourth CTF Challenge Box. It focuses heavily on cryptography and file manipulation, but also contains lateral movement and a privesc once the machine itself is compromised. Let’s begin. Initial Enumeration: We start, as always, with an nmap scan to see what services we have available to us: Three open ports, all standard. We have SSH running on Port 22 — there’s nothing we can do with this for now; not without at least…

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Daily Bugle — Write-up

Daily Bugle — Write-up

Challenge Link: Daily Bugle is a Spiderman themed box on TryHackMe. It requires some knowledge of SQLi, basic enumeration, password cracking and privilege escalation. This box is rated hard — primarily due to the relative inconsistency of the SQL injection required to get initial access. Let’s begin. Initial Enumeration: As per usual, we’re going to start with a quick nmap scan of this box. Use the following command to see what we’ve got available to us: Great — we…

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Bebop — Write-up

Bebop — Write-up

Challenge Link: Bebop is a quick box that exemplifies exactly how insecure some drone operating systems are. This box shouldn’t take very long to root — it’s really not particularly challenging (which is slightly worrying given it’s based off real drone software). Of much more interest is the overarching concept: drone hacking. If you haven’t already watched the video embedded into the THM room, I would highly recommend it; it’s really interesting (and hilarious in places). I’ll include an…

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Madness — Write-up

Madness — Write-up

Challenge Link: Madness: the CTF Challenge from Optional that is true to its name. This room is infuriating; but all the more fun because of it. Madness is ranked as being easy, which is apt because as far as hacking techniques go, this box isn’t hugely difficult. In terms of puzzles, on the other hand… Well, let’s just say that Optional is an evil genius. If you would prefer to do the puzzles by yourself then I would suggest…

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